
Scans from Song Without End

My friend, and fellow Dirk Bogarde fan, Andi sent me the most amazing surprise in the mail! A book of sheet music from the film Song Without End! The book has some fantastic photos inside, so I scanned them to share with you! Thank you Andi! :D


Tom said...

Kate, you're not going to believe this. I was at a warehouse sale yesterday and came across a set of 8 original 11x14 lobby cards of this very movie! It was going for just a few dollars so I picked them up. You want them?

Anonymous said...

ooh!!! really? YES!! Please email me!

Andi B. Goode said...

You're still very welcome. =D I'm glad it went to someone who appreciated it! I didn't think anyone else who came by it at the fair would appreciate it half as much so knew it had to go to you.
-Andi x